Technology Consultant

Engineer by choice and passion

I am a recent graduate from Nanyang Technological University with a computer science major. I love working with web technologies such as of JavaScript, TypeScript and react and Data Analytics with the Python. I am interested in the understanding of complex technology systems and extracting insights from data. As of late, I am into high performance computing hence C++, MPI. I am a generalist and am looking to continue exploring the vast ever changing technology space

Areas of Interest

Things I have worked on

Web Development

Creating visually cohesive visualizations can be a challenging task, particularly with current data complexity. My experience in developing web applications using Javascript, Typescript and React has enabled me to make sense of data.

API Development

APIs are a core business logic of any platform. That's why it is more important to design APIs in a scalable and secure way. I have work on projects using frameworks such as Spring Boot, Express and Flask.

Data Science

Drawing upon my experience working with data across multiple financial firms, as well as my background in AI working on NLP models such as BERT, I am confident I can provide valuable insights to your data.

Platform Architecture

To develop an application or platform that will scale to petabytes of data efficiently, you need to use the right framework and system design patterns. I have a interest in high performance computing.